以: use; take粗暴: rude; rough; crude; brutal; ...方式: way; fashion; pattern做好事: do good; do a good deed假装: pretend; feign; simulate; ma ...让: give way; give ground; yield ...人: human being; man; person; pe ...尝: taste; try the flavour of甜: sweet; honeyed; sweet-flavou ...以粗暴方式做好事: give pawith a hatchet人不仅要做好事,更要以的方式做好事。: it is not enough to do good做好事的人: well-doer做好事情: do the things right一辈子做好事: do good all one's life他宁愿悄悄做好事: he prefers to do good by stealth太急于做好事的人: he who is too busy doing good finds no time to be good有好处,有用处,做好事: do good主动为人们做好事: be active in doing good to men以简捷方式做事: cut corners用许多方式做某事: do sth. in many ways帮人的忙, 为某人做好事: come into favor; come into favour; come into kindness以各种灵活方式做生意: do business in many different ways以恰当的方式做某事: do sth. the proper way以自己的方式做事情: have things in one's own way粗暴: (鲁莽; 粗野; 蛮横) rude; rough; crude; brutal; violent 粗暴干涉别国内政 wantonly interfere in [with] the internal affairs of other countries; 粗暴践踏别国的独立和主权 brutally trample on the independence and sovereignty of another country; 粗暴态度 a rude attitude; 粗暴行为 crude behaviour